Event Start


The TAC one-day Workshop aims to bring together researchers working on challenges at the intersection between artificial intelligence (AI) and cyber-physical systems (CPS), including security for AI, AI for security, integrity, safety and security of AI-enabled CPS, networked control systems (NCS), and performance issues.

We are interested in discussing recent achievements and future initiatives to address the fundamental security problem of guaranteeing integrity, safety, transparency, and robustness in neural-based architectures and their implementation in computer-based systems. Regarding safety and robustness, one important observation is that it is becoming more difficult to achieve these properties since fixed mathematical models are being replaced by machine learning (ML) approaches, where the future operation may change based on data acquired during previous actions due to model updating. Indeed, ML algorithms have a dual role in formal software verification development: "model evolution" and "verification enhancement", which we intend to discuss in TAC.

We are also interested in improving the safety and security of CPS. CPS plays a crucial role in the modern world, consisting of several critical applications, including electric power grids, medical devices, and autonomous driving. The operation of CPS is performed based on NCS, which are distinguished by the use of communication networks for exchanging data between the computational elements (actuators, sensors, and controllers) with the physical part (plant). However, the resources of the communication network are typically shared and limited. Moreover, the presence of the network introduces risks to cyberattacks caused by malicious agents. CPS must be safe and secure to guarantee the services that depend on that. In this regard, we are interested in discussing the new achievements on resilient and resource-aware NCS to ensure the correct operation of CPS under cyber-attacks and when the communication resources are shared and limited. Moreover, the AI plays a pivotal role on CPS, since AI is applied in several tasks of CPS and enables the data processing and learning features. We are generally interested in trustworthy CPS, including their NCS and AI algorithms.

We will have invited talks, poster presentations, a roundtable discussion on how to consider the security aspects of AI and automation in industrial systems. Participants will leave having a better understanding of enabling system designers to specify essential conceptual/behavioral safety and security properties for AI and CPS, verify them, and thus safeguard the system against unpredictable behavior and attacks.


More information about registration is available at Sympla.

Preliminary Program

# 12/08/2024
9:00-09:20 Opening
Slides: click here.
9:20-10:00 Volnei Klehm - SIDIA

Title: Desafios Atuais no Desenvolvimento de Software e Garantia de Qualidade

Slides: click here.
10:00-10:20 Poster exhibition & Coffee
10:20-11:00 Wanderlyn Raposo - INDT

Title: Cibersegurança aplicada à indústria 4.0

Slides: click here.
11:00-11:40 Eddie B. de Lima Filho - TPV

Title: A Fuzzing-Based Test-Creation Approach for Evaluating Digital TV Receivers via Transport Streams

Slides: click here.
11:40-13:20 Lunch
13:20-14:00 Lucas Cordeiro - UoM/UFAM

Title: Building Trustworthy Software and AI Systems: Exploring Automated Testing, Formal Verification, and Repair Strategies

Slides: click here.
14:00-14:40 Pedro Henrique Silva Coutinho - UERJ

Title: Resilient Event-Triggered Control for Cyber-Physical Systems under Denial-of-Service Attacks.

Slides: click here.
14:40-15:20 Clayton Escouper - IME

Title: Inteligência Artificial e Cibersegurança de Infraestruturas Críticas no Laboratório de Segurança Cibernética de Sistemas Ciberfísicos do IME (LaSC/IME).

Slides: click here.
15:20-16:00 Poster exhibition & Coffee
16:00-17:30 Discussion
Slides: click here.

Special Talks

Invited speakers

Volnei Klehm

Graduado e Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica titulado na área de Controle e Automação de Sistemas pele Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Possui experiência em desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados, TV-Digital e Android. Atua como Gerente Técnico no Sidia Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia.

Wanderlyn Raposo

Especialista em Redes no INDT. Formado em Tecnólogo de Redes de Computadores, Pós-graduado em Gestão do ensino. Médio, técnico e superior MTCRE, CCNP R&S é CCNA Security, com mais de 15 anos de experiência na área de telecomunicação e datacenter.

Eddie B. de Lima Filho

Eddie B. de Lima Filho is the leader of the digital convergence group in the R&D Department of TPV Technology, Brazil, where he conducts research in Consumer Electronics. In addition, he is affiliated with the Post-Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) at the Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil.

Pedro Henrique S. Coutinho

Pedro Henrique Coutinho is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2021. Prof. Coutinho is serving as Associate Editor for the Fuzzy Sets and Systems.

Lucas C. Cordeiro

Lucas C. Cordeiro is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester (UoM), UK, where he leads the Systems and Software Security (S3) Research Group. Prof. Cordeiro is also the Arm Centre of Excellence Director at UoM and is affiliated as an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil.

Clayton Escouper

Clayton Escouper das Chagas é Engenheiro da Computação pelo IME e professor há 10 anos, com foco em Engenharia de Software, Programação e Cibersegurança. Ele supervisiona o Projeto Pesquisa Cibernética do Exército e lidera o Laboratório de Segurança Cibernética do IME. Anteriormente, atuou no Centro Tecnológico do Exército, contribuindo para projetos como os radares SABER.


Manaus, located on the banks of the Negro River in northwestern Brazil, is in the heart of the world's largest rainforest and is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Brazil. It is also the main financial, corporate, industrial, research, technology, entertainment, and commercial center of the Northern Region of Brazil. The city is situated at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers, with the Teatro Amazonas listed as a National Historic Heritage by IPHAN its greatest cultural symbol.
Manaus was home to the first higher education institution in Brazil, founded on January 17, 1909. This originated from the defunct Free University of Manáos, which dismembered the Faculty of Law, forming the embryo of the current UFAM.
The Institute of Computing of the UFAM, which has only 30 years of history, is one of the two most important centers of higher education and research and entrepreneurship in computing startups in the North and Northeast of Brazil, being recognised as a postgraduate program of international level according to the most recent ranking by Capes, an agency of the Ministry of Education that promotes research and graduate studies.

Teatro Amazonas

The main cultural and architectural symbol of the state, Teatro Amazonas, located in Largo de São Sebastião in the heart of Manaus, keeps alive much of the history of the rubber boom, the golden age of the Amazonian capital. Inaugurated on December 31, 1896, the theater surprises and delights with its grandeur.

The concert hall seats 701 people, spread between the audience and three floors of boxes. It's impossible not to be mesmerized by the concave ceiling, which features four canvases painted in Paris by the renowned Casa Carpezot. The canvases depict music, dance, tragedy, and opera. In the center hangs a majestic French bronze chandelier. The masks on the columns of the audience, which pay tribute to composers and playwrights, are also noteworthy.

The Teatro Amazonas' boca cloth is another rarity. It was created in 1894 by Brazilian artist Crispim do Amaral and depicts the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers.

Nowadays, the theater hosts major events organized by the State Secretariat for Culture and Creative Economy, such as the Amazonas Opera Festival and the Dance and Theater festivals; high-brow performances like those presented by the State's Artistic and Cultural Bodies; and popular shows that benefit local artists of all genres.. More information (in portugues only) can be seen here.

Provincial Palace (Palacete Provincial)

The Provincial Palace houses three museums of different kinds: the Museum of Image and Sound (MISAM), the Museum of Numismatics of Amazonas, the Tiradentes Museum, the Pinacoteca do Estado, and the Archaeology Exhibition.

The building was founded in 1874 and served as the headquarters of the Military Police of Amazonas for more than 100 years. On March 24, 2005, it was transformed into a restaurant. However, it was reopened in 2009 as a museum, and the space is now open to the public free of charge. Visitors can come to learn about the collections and art of the museums, and the space also hosts cultural events that attract children, young people, and adults. Heliodoro Balbi Square (formerly Police Square), in front of the building, is an extension of the tour to the site.

The Pinacoteca has paintings, photos, and engravings by local, national, and international artists. The Museum of Numismatics has a collection of over 35,000 pieces and ancient coins. MISAM has DVDs and CDs that can be viewed for free on site. The Tiradentes Museum honors firefighters and state police, and exhibits weapons and uniforms. The Archaeology Exhibition reproduces excavations and artifacts discovered in the region.

Click here for more information

Event Location

The IComp, the venue of the 26th SBMF and the AFRiTS, is located on the UFAM Campus, which covers an area of about 600 hectares. The campus is home to a variety of ecosystems, including native and secondary forests, plateaus and floodplains, meadows, and deforested areas with plantations. The campus is located on the east side of Manaus and is surrounded by neighborhoods and avenues.

Host and co-host organizers
